
Friday, June 6, 2014

Toddler Buffets

Happy Friday!

Yesterday I received a text from my dear friend Shavonn (who I’ve known since 7th grade and just love to pieces) after she read yesterday’s post. Shavonn had seen a creative, fun, and all around awesome kid’s party food suggestion of a Toddler Buffet on Pinterest. Which, she thought it would be the perfect thing to try during dinner time on my picky eater.
What’s a toddle Buffet...It’s your dinner options served in an ice trayJ.  Placing a little of each selection in the cube slots not only divides the food but helps the tiny tot feel like they have options or are eating something different than the norm. TALK ABOUT GENIUS! When I received Shavonn’s text I profusely thanked her and immediately made a mental note of what would be on last night’s toddler buffet.

On my way home I received a call from Tabby. During our normally chit chat we discussed my dinner time shenanigans with Baby O in which I told her about the buffet plans and how I was I’d hope my tiny helper would assist with putting it together. To which she responded “you should try having her help you cook.”

Baby O loves to help in any way she can these days so I thought both suggestions were great. I added them in during last night’s dinner, and even found a way to make it a numbers game by counting our food. Below are few photos that I was able to capture during the process...

The most important thing here is last night’s dinner was actually a success. She didn’t eat everything on her tray but, she at least tried a little of each sampling and had a ton of fun helping. So thanks a million ladies :)

Side Note: During my daily recap with her teacher yesterday we discussed her eating habits during the school day. While she informed me that Baby O eats a lot throughout the day. She also stated that there are days where she will refuse school lunch as well. Apparently if Little Miss Personality doesn’t like her school lunch option, she will get up from the table, push her chair in, and walk away, then come back when her milk is served...No matter who else is eating...or what anyone has to say. Huh? I can’t deal. All her teacher could say was... “There’s no in-between with her. She either LOVES it or HATES it”


  1. That is a great idea. I'll have to try that. I always have my son help me cook. It could be something simple like helping to mix up cake batter, or pouring in water into a recipe, or even putting his frozen chicken tenders on the baking sheet. He loves to feel needed.

    I found another trick last night in regards to getting my little one to try a new food. Daddy has been away all week so I'm not gonna lie, he's watched a lot of tv, but while I was feeding the baby my older son was watching some show that had a farmer on it and all the characters sang a song about peppers. Oddly enough, I had some green peppers from a salad that I wasn't going to eat (since I hate them myself) and he wanted to eat them since he saw all the cool characters eating them. I was shocked, but he loved them.

  2. Ummm.... I love the post. I'm glad she ate but I can't stop staring at the contraption she's standing at the counter in/on. Seriously, I'd like to formally request a gadget update; has it been that long since I had a baby? I mean, I keep scrolling up and looking at it. WTheck is it? A stepping stool? A mini crib? A standing crib? A timeout playpen? I just can't figure it out. O and I love how she makes up her own mind about food.

    1. Hey Tab, I also was trying to figure out what that was, and I got an almost 2 year old.

  3. I love the Toddler Buffet idea!!! Will try that next time :-)!

  4. BWAHHHHHHHHHH I love the visual of her helping and so glad you found a method to having her eat. Baby O knows what she likes and what she does like when it comes to school lunch LOL too cute! And yes!! please let me know what that is she's standing it...awesome idea.

  5. Question, is this something you buy, or is this something that you made? An is it really just an ice tray, or did you say ice tray for the visual? I have a little picky eater in my house as well.

    1. Hey Marcus! This is seriously just the ice tray out of the freezer filled with a variety of options. I tried to keep my options down to 5
